Term 1 2017 Teachers
Positive Choices: What's in store for 2017?
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Positive Choices. Get the facts, stay smart, stay safe.
What's in store for 2017?

Now that the first term of 2017 has begun, it's time to reflect on how we can help young people navigate the challenges of a new school year. When it comes to preparing young people for challenging situations involving alcohol and other drugs, the Positive Choices team have made it easy by bringing together - in one place - prevention resources that are relevant, up-to-date, evidence-based, and engaging. But don't take our word for it, see for yourself .

New Factsheet: Caffeine & Energy Drinks

New factsheet: Caffeine & Energy Drinks

Energy drinks are non-alcoholic drinks that contain caffeine and are marketed to counter fatigue and enhance mental performance. In Australia, energy drinks are the fastest growing segment of the soft drink industry with children, adolescents and young adults being key consumers of these products.

The use of energy drinks with alcohol has become an increasingly popular phenomenon among young people, with some using energy drinks with alcohol to intensify and prolong the effects, or to to remain awake and alert in order to keep drinking and socialising. Research shows the consumption of energy drinks with alcohol is associated with greater alcohol consumption and an increased likelihood of alcohol-related harm.

It’s important that young people are aware of the risks involved in mixing energy drinks with alcohol to allow them to make more informed choices. For more information about caffeine and energy drinks, see our new short and detailed factsheets available on Positive Choices.

Featured Class Activity: Investigating Alcohol Advertising Tactics
We have a range of class activities available to assist teachers in starting class discussions around difficult but important topics relating to alcohol and other drugs. 

Featured Class Activity: Investigating Alcohol Advertising Tactics
This resources helps young people to understand how the media and advertising influence personal attitudes, beliefs, decisions and behaviours. This activity was developed to be implemented as part of the Climate Schools: Alcohol Module, available here.
Positive Choices Webinar Series
Register for one of our upcoming webinars or catch up on the ones you missed - available online, on demand, on Positive Choices.
Preventure program

Personality-targeted interventions for prevention: the Preventure program.

A/Prof Nicola Newton &
Ms Erin Kelly 
This webinar will provide attendees with information about personality targeted drug prevention in schools and introduce attendees to the Preventure program. 

Expected benefits of participating in the webinar include:
  • Overview of the evidence-base behind brief, coping skills interventions for adolescents targeting personality risk factors
  • Increased understanding of personality risk markers for substance use and mental health problems in adolescence
  • Orientation to targeted school-based prevention including information about implementing the Preventure program in Australia  
Register here for Wed, Mar 22, 2017 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM AEST
Climate Schools Parenting Program

What can parents do to prevent teenage substance use?

Dr Louise Thornton & Dana Leidl
This webinar will provide attendees with an overview of the important role parents can play in preventing adolescent substance use, and introduce a new online parenting program.

Expected benefits of participating in the webinar include:
  • Increased awareness of the patterns of drug and alcohol use among young people in Australia;
  • Increased understanding of the role parents can play in influencing their adolescents’ substance use;
  • Increased knowledge about effective approaches for preventing drug and alcohol use harms among young people.

Register here for Thu, May 25, 2017 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM AEST

In case you missed it... 
New and emerging drugs

How can teachers and parents respond to the challenge of 'Legal-Highs'

Dr Katrina Champion

Available on demand on Positive Choices.

Adolescent brain

Drug and Alcohol and the Matruing Adolescent Brain. 

Dr Louise Mewton

Available on demand on Positive Choices.
Friendship networks

How do Adolescent Friendship Networks Influence Mental Health and Substance Use?

Associate Professor Tim Slade
Available on demand on Positive Choices.

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